Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yep... Tagged.

Alrighty, xtine has lured me back into my blog by tagging me:

The rules: link to the person who tagged you > post the rules on your blog > write six random things about yourself > tag six people at the end of your post and link to them > let each person know they've been tagged.

Random things:

1. I work as an engineer in Willoughby at an investment casting company. We make any casting you want, but mostly stick to aircraft and industrial turbine components.

2. I am engaged to be married. No date set as of yet.

3. I live with two fraternity buddies, Chase and Jason.

4. My parents live in Milan, Ohio with my sister, Elizabeth, and my shar-pei, Jeep. There are two cats there too, Thomas and Sparky.

5. I was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My family moved to Ohio in 1996.

6. I will be moving in May into a two-bedroom apartment with my fiance, Christine.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Excellent post. Absolutely fabulous.

♥ xtine